Online Writing Jobs From Home

3 Little Known Secrets To Get More Assignments Than You Can Handle

Being a freelance writer can be a very great way to make a part time or even full time income. Unfortunately, many freelancers, especially those who are just starting out, have absolutely no idea where to get assignments.

Here are some tips that can help you.

1) Look for Bloggers

There are many popular blogs on the Internet for all kinds of niches. These blogs need new content almost everyday. Most of the time, the content are created by the owners of the blog. However, they will occasionally invite guest blogger to post for them.

If you are knowledgeable in a certain niche, why not look for popular blogs in that niche? Contact the blog owner and offer your service.

You can send him/her an email. Of course, you need to understand that a popular blogger probably receive tons of email everyday. This means your email may not be read.

If that's the case, why not pick up the phone? Most people will never bother to do that. By picking up the phone, you are already differentiating yourself from others. You are showing others that you are serious. This means you will also be taken more seriously.

2) Start Your Own Blog

Starting your own blog is a great way to showcase your writing skills. Once you gain a little bit of experience in freelance writing, why not start a blog to teach newcomers.

This blog of yours can be a very valuable asset. Imagine thousand of people bidding on the same job on a freelance website. If you have your own freelance writing blog, you will be able to stand out from your competitors.

3) Think Long Term

Treat every assignment seriously. Build a good relationship with your client. You might just clinch a long term client for every assignment you do. Sooner or later, just your long term clients alone will be able to provide you with more assignments than you can handle.

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