Affiliate Marketing List Giveaway The Biggest Mistake Any Affiliate Marketer Can Make

You are leaving so much money on the table when marketing your affiliate programs and you do not even realise it. Several affiliate marketing program proprietor who discovers this article will scream, No! You must be cheer, Yes!

When making use of an affiliate webpage or web link, you are distributing potential traffic straight to the vendor of the programs website. This sounds great right? You simply drive potential customers to look at the product, they opt-in, purchase it, and then you get paid.
What can be any easier?

Well you could be the one getting what you just gave away, the ability to market other products in the future or even now. So what is that then? It is basically the name and email address of your prospect. That is correct, the details you gave away, are the most priceless details you could have given away and you probably do not even know it.

That name and email address is the most important information to you. But why? Basically you can use the details to send your marketing emails to that prospect more or less on everything you promote as often as you like. If you do not have these details, there is no way to make contact with this prospect. But the owner of that affiliate program you are marketing does. They will then use the information to send out their promotions out to prospects on that brand new mailing list you recently helped them create. They are thanking you and, also at the same time, laughing at you!

One way to solve this drawback. Create a squeeze page which promotes that program or service but with your own opt-in box. If you do not know how to do this, discover how, for the reason that you will lose a small fortune if you dont. Then you just add the affiliate link and place it where the code would go for your thank you page. So as soon as the visitor signs up to your mailing list, they are consequentially sent straight to your affiliate webpage. From this you are obtaining the best of both worlds.

Makes sure that you are always building your mailing list whilst you are marketing affiliate products online. Always look to catch your prospects details!

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